Thursday, October 31, 2019

Problems Associated of a Common Currency as Illustrated by the Current Essay

Problems Associated of a Common Currency as Illustrated by the Current EU Crisis - Essay Example Similarly, it has been a key achievement in that about 330 million European Union populations utilize it as their currency and benefit from its advantages. Although the use of a common currency may be beneficial to member states, it may have some various shortcomings. For instance, experts agree that there are various challenges associated with the use of a unified currency – as Eurozone member states are learning. Even though, the first few years of using a common currency went impressively, breaks have started appearing on the Eurozone as the global crisis intensifies, (Gabrisch and Ru?diger, 45). The original objective of the Euro was to enhance the overall economic productivity of the European countries, as fragile, minority nations had changed to be increasingly competitive. On the contrary, fragile nation enjoyed increased purchasing supremacy without the need of producing extensive products and services. Similarly, overall growth of productivity reduced in Europe from a bout 1.7 yearly prior to the euro to half the cost since. Additionally, euro suffers from the disintegrated political authority that controls its economy. Each member state can issue it independent debt; the euro is beneficial and useful in about 16 diverse bond markets, (Horngren, Srikant and Madhav 63). Similarly, each economy designs its own expenditure policies and tax; some nations now experience debts greater than their GDP. Similarly, while the counties have been exempted from the currency fluctuations impacts, euro states now experience a diverse – sometimes extremely painful – effect from the global investors’ whims. Borrowing costs in increasingly obligated nations such as Spain and Portugal are increasingly advanced than of Germany that has accrued the enormous pile of savings. In addition, these nations experience diverse painful choices that they did not have to address in the past when they could devaluate their domestic currency. For instance, Ita ly experiences some stark options, which continue to mess up with the economic growth of the country. Italy contemplates on whether to boost productivity by reducing wages, or leave the euro and devaluate national debts and design its local currency, (Grauwe 89). However, pursuing such decisions would make the situation extremely difficult for Italy to borrow. Some euro nations with extensive debts experience downward spirals as these debts deepen costs leading to increased tax or low spending. Reducing future costs of borrowing implies increasing productivity – via either layoffs or reduction of wage or both. None of these options is likely to receive much support by the day of election. A common currency enhances reduced and steady inflation, stability in the rate of exchange and strong public finance between members of European Union. For instance, some Eurozone nations have reported experiencing financial crisis because of shared currency. Additionally, experts agree that Euro was designed on the basis on a false premise that a common currency would result to unification of economic performance among members. For instance, Greece would resemble Germany and Portugal would resemble Finland. In fact, the creation of Euro has resulted to intensification of the gap between developed and developing nations as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Essay

Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Essay Example One of the benefits accruing from the Act is with regards to the fact that it offers an extension of Medicaid’s eligibility in 26 states for up to 138% for the poverty level in the federal hence making it possible for most of Americans to have access to health care. Whether a citizen gets a health insurance coverage for themselves or whether it is done by their employees, the Act abolishes actions that leave citizens without insurance covers when they need them the most. No person gets left out based on their gender or even color. No canceling of policies Unlike before, an insurer cannot come forward and cancel a policy the moment one falls sick on claims that one had made a mistake when taking out the policy. The act of canceling is what is referred to a recession. If an applicant made an honest mistake while taking out the policy, their policy cannot, later on, be canceled on that very ground the instance they fall ill. Appeals When someone feels aggrieved by a decision that an insurance company has reached regarding their policy, they have a right to go ahead and apply for an appeal. The applicant makes the said appeal to a neutral or rather an independent reviewer who checks into their application and delivers a sound verdict in that regard. The response given by the independent reviewer is delivered within 72 hours when the medical condition is urgent in nature. No limited insurances Treatment for some illnesses can consume a lot of time and finances hence accumulating big medical bills.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Theory Underpinning One Intervention With A Dually Diagnosed Client Nursing Essay

The Theory Underpinning One Intervention With A Dually Diagnosed Client Nursing Essay Dual diagnosis has been described as one of the most significant problems facing the health services (Phillips et al 2010). The term was first used in America in the 1980s and in its most basic elements describes someone who has a combination of a mental illness and substance misuse problem. Dually diagnosed patients are often frequent users of emergency services and of in-patient care (Bartels et al 1993). There is also a much higher rate of offending and imprisonment amongst this group (Yesavage and Zarcone 1983 cited in Menezes et al (1996). Yesvage and Zarcone cited in Menezes (1996) believe that alcohol and drug misuse interact with the symptoms of psychotic illness to produce a more severe acute illness. Due to the complication of treatment approach recovery is often slower than a psychotic episode uncomplicated by substance abuse. This places a great burden on resources and staff (Drake et al 1993), which is corroborated by the London survey (Menezes et al 1996) discovering on average that this group of patients spends almost twice as much time in hospital than those without a substance misuse problem. Clients with the most severe psychiatric disorders tend to have the highest rates of co-occurring substance use disorders (Drake 2007). It has been well documented that the co-existence of severe mental health and substance misuse problems are common (Regier et al 1990; Krausz et al 1996; Menezes et al 1996 cited in Graham 2003). Prevalence figures vary across studies however the latest study by Weldon and Ritchie (2010) estimate the lifetime prevalence rate of substance abuse amongst persons with severe mental illness at 50%, which is 4.6 times higher than that of the general population (Blanchard et al 2000). One of the challenges of mental health providers is how best to meet the needs of this group of clients (Graham 2003). The most recent government guidance is one of integrated treatment whereby the treatment for drug and alcohol problems are provided primarily within mental health services, integrating this with the treatment of mental health problems (DoH 2002). This is to be provided by one team and involves a flexible combination of treatments targeting the specific needs of those diagnosed with co-morbid severe mental illness and substance misuse (Horsfall 2009). Researchers and clinicians have developed a number of interventions that combine, or integrate mental health and substance abuse interventions (Drake et al 2007). An example of one element of integrated treatment is Cognitive- Behavioural Integrated Treatment (Graham and Carnwath 2004). C-bit incorporates an integrated approach with personalised formulation to deliver improved treatment outcomes to dual diagnosis patients. The focus of this essay will be on the use of C-bit (Graham and Carnwath 2004) and its application with a client who has been has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and alcohol problems. For the purpose of this essay and confidentiality his name has been changed to David. C-bit can be split into 4 distinct phases, Engagement and Building motivation, Negotiating some behaviour change, Early relapse prevention Relapse management. The essay will concentrate on negotiating behavioural change and what this entails. The author will then compare its effectiveness with an alternative approach. An introduction to C-Bit Hermine Graham (2004) describes C-bit as a psychological multi-purpose tool designed specifically for people with both a mental illness and a problematic substance misuse. It was developed from CBT which had a strong evidence base for mental health (Grant et al 2004) and substance use problems (Conrod and Stewart 2005). The evidence base of CBIT in dual diagnosis remains poor as studies have tended to focus on engagement and building motivation as appose to the maintenance of change that CBIT encompasses (Callaghan and Jones 2010). However early studies would suggest that the skilful use of analysis, disputing cognitions and homework assignments improve the skills required to promote abstinence including self-efficacy in finding, establishing and maintaining appropriate support networks (Rassool 2002). CBIT follows the cognitive model and treatment approach (Graham 1998, 2003). A clients beliefs about substance misuse are often linked to their own experience of mental health problems. David would often say in therapy that the side effects of his anti-psychotic medication made him feel over sedated and this had a knock on effect in social situations. He found that alcohol improved this and allowed him to integrate better in social situations. By continuing to use alcohol it was maintaining a negative maintenance cycle. Graham (2004) identifies three key aims of CBIT with dual diagnosis patients. The first concentrates on client and therapist identifying and challenging unrealistic beliefs about substance misuse and substituting them with alternatives that aim to break negative maintenance cycles. The second facilitates an understanding of the link between substance misuse and mental health problems and thirdly CBIT aims to give the client the ability to self-manage substance misuse and recognise the early signs of relapse. Although there are 4 distinct steps in treatment approach the flexibility of the treatment means a client does not need to progress through them all. The harm reduction philosophy that underpins the intervention (Heather et al 1993) puts more emphasis on a client setting more realistic goals and achieving these. Although flexibility is a key asset of CBIT it would be wrong to assume there was no structure to therapy sessions. In later sessions especially, before commencing a sess ion client and therapist must set an agenda to discuss which ensures key areas are discussed (Graham 2004). In practice, teams trained in the use of CBIT tend to use the general principle of the approach rather than the distinct components or techniques (Graham et al 2006). The author believes this shows the flexibility of the therapy and therapists and clients find what proves useful to them . Graham et al (2006) also discovered that when trained members of the team used various assets of CBIT, engagement increased, alcohol intake was reduced and a reduction in alcohol-related beliefs. The study however noticed similar findings when the client had been seen by teams that had not yet received CBIT training suggesting that CBIT alone was not responsible for the change in behaviour and belief. However, qualitative information recorded from the teams staff suggested that treatment integration increased over the course of the study, and that CBIT was a useful tool for integrating planning substance misuse treatment. Qualitative information from the team managers suggested that CBIT training i mproved the ability of teams to address substance use by themselves, rather than avoiding substance issues referring clients to specialists. Achievable Goal setting Following treatment phase one the client will be able to identify some of the negative effects of substance misuse. David could recognise the negative effect that alcohol use had on his ability to find any form of employment and how he had no real supportive social network besides drinking companions. Graham (2004) highlights that in treatment phase two it is probably too early for a client to consider complete abstinence. David was beginning to make links with the amount he drank and the negative effects he was having. Due to this he negotiated with the therapist that he would reduce his alcohol input by stopping all spirits but remaining on his strong lager. This follows the harm reduction philosophy that there are several levels in which change can occur that would reduce the negative impact it causes to the client. David identified his long-term goal as eventually getting some form of employment. Following treatment phase one David was able to see the impact excessive impact alco hol was having on his ability to make appointments on time (if at all), and how this would have a negative effect on any chance of employment. Graham (2004) suggests that for a client to get to this long-term goal a series of short term harm reducing steps need to be identified by the client in therapy that will in-turn have a positive impact upon his life. David had already agreed to stop drinking spirits but further steps included reducing contact with fellow drinkers, attending all appointments on time, getting his body back into a work routine. These steps would move David closer to the eventual long term goal and give him the belief that this was achievable. The therapist found that the use of the recovery star was a useful tool with aiding the client identify and plan how to achieve these goals. The recovery star helps both client and therapist measure change and visually see progress made. At times when David struggled to achieve goals it provided an opportunity for discussio n on how to change the approach. David found the tool useful in between sessions where he could refer back to past successes to give him the confidence to continue. On reflective sessions what proved important for David was to identify and discuss possible obstacles that he may experience in trying to achieve his goals and to recognise that if things do not go as planned it should not be automatically assumed to be a failure. Simmons and Griffith (2009) believe that there is never a failure but an opportunity to learn and do things differently. Behavioural Experiments By treatment phase two of CBIT the client will have identified an unhelpful thought, the nature of which will be maintaining a negative maintenance cycle. David had begun to plan harm reduction goals to reduce the negative aspects of his substance misuse however there was clearly some situations he was avoiding, and some underlying maladaptive thoughts there were perpetuating his problems. To address this the therapist and David discussed and designed a Behavioural Experiment. Beck (1995) believes that BEs strengthen an intellectual belief by helping the client test out alternative beliefs and thoughts in practice in order to gain evidence to discover the validity of a belief . Beck (1979) believed through altering behaviour a cognitive change occurs. BEs are significant as a means of explicitly targeting belief change through experience and as such offer prime opportunities for sustained therapeutic change (Padesky 2004). David held the belief that if he did not drink alcohol he wou ld appear boring and no-one would have any time for him. For this reason when David was going to be in the company of anyone he would drink excessively, therefore getting intoxicated became a safety behaviour. By allowing a client to see what will happen if they drop safety behaviour and then testing out what actually happens in that situation proves to be a powerful challenge to unhelpful assumptions (Whitfield and Davidson 2007). Sloan and Telch (2002) support this view adding that experiments target safety behaviours result in significantly greater changes than exposure alone. Safety behaviour may seem helpful and protective to a client but can lead to maintenance cycles of maladaptive processes perpetuating the initial belief. If a threat is not disconfirmed the maladaptive cognition continues (Salkovskis 1991, Sloan and Telch 2000, Clark 1989, Salkovski et al 1998). The notion of experimentation, derived from scientific principles, can be applied to the patients experience of t he therapeutic process and it is this active experience which can be so meaningful; the validity of a new cognition being generally more memorable when followed through from conceptualisation to active experience (Westbrook 2007). Once the evidence contradicts the initial belief it allows the client and therapist to explore the validity of new more adaptive beliefs (Westbrook et al 2007). David and the therapist designed an experiment in which he would limit his alcohol approach and would then engage in general conversation in his local pub. Initial experiments gave David the confidence to build on further experiment supporting the work of Bennett-levy (2004) who believe early experiments increase confidence and independence BEs can be active, where the patient takes the lead role in either real or simulated situations to test the validity of thoughts, or observational, where data is gathered. Lewin and Kolb propose a learning cycle in which it suggests that for learning and retenti on to be enhanced the client must build upon knowledge and understanding gained through the experiment which in turn forms a foundation for the next step of the experiment. (Lewin 1946; Kolb 1984). The five key aspects of this learning cycle, Experience, Observation, Reflection, Planning and then further experiment underpins BE work. Establishing supportive social networks In the field of substance misuse social factors are seen as important in the onset, aetiology and maintenance of substance misuse (Graham 2004). David recognised that as his alcohol intake increased the friends he associated with were also using alcohol regularly. This supports the work of Drake (2004) who identified that clients with both severe mental health problems and substance misuse problems would have social networks of solely fellow substance users. David felt increasingly isolated from anyone outside of this network as his behaviour would draw attention towards himself. Trumbetta et al (1999) suggest that for anyone to make changes in substance misuse they need to reduce contact with such peers. Healthier networks need to be formed which provide positive support where there is excessive substance misuse is not the norm (Drake 1993a). David identified his sister as someone who was willing to and who he would like as a supportive person away from mental health services. In cr isis David could contact his sister who could give him some level of support. Graham (2004) emphasises the importance of working closely with family members as they often know very little about dual diagnosis problems. David was only close with his sister. The rest of his family had isolated him due to his substance misuse. Ideally psycho-education information is often given in the group setting as family members may benefit from the experience and support of fellow members (Graham 2004). Davids sister became a key figure in Davids recovery and was encouraged to attend sessions on psycoeducation so she could best understand the problems associated with dual diagnosis clients and how best she could support David. Limitations of its use Prochaska and DiClemente (1992) recognised certain barriers to treatment for dual diagnosis patients in regards to therapeutic engagement, treatment continuance and goal setting. In the case of CBIT it makes assumptions of a certain level of coping skills and ability to facilitate cognitive change. Symptoms of schizophrenia can inhibit a clients impetus to change behaviour (Horsfall et al 2009). Negative symptoms which have a negative effect on motivation and energy affects individuals internal drive to initiate the complex behavioural routines needed for abstinence (Ballack and DiClemente 1999). An integrated treatment approach incorporating CBIT does not make dramatic changes in the short term, it is a long term therapy. Evidence based studies are always plagued by attrition rates as clients relapse or do not return to the study. This may suggest that CBIT may suffer from the same poor treatment compliance/attendance. For clients who complete a full programme of treatment 10-20 per cent achieves a stable remission of their substance use problems per year (Graham 2004). This seems a low figure for the intensive input required on the part of the therapist and client. Bellack and Gearon (1998) believe the therapist must become tolerant of this client group dropping in and out of therapy and abstaining then relapsing. Davids attendance was at times sporadic but the therapist never criticised him for this but used it as a platform for discussing problems experienced through the week. Drake et al (2001) suggests the importance of assertive outreach teams in retaining clients within programmes. Hellerstein et al (1995) cited in Philips et al (2010) highlight that without this input dropout rates may be high, especially amongst those identified as having difficulties participating in treatment. Alternative approaches The evidence base for dual diagnosis is still in its infancy. Those studies completed have limited generalisation due to methodological issues such as heterogeneous samples, equivocal descriptions of treatment components and high attrition rates (Weldon and Richie 2010). Horsfall et al (2009) recognises that due to a lack of longitudinal studies long term outcomes have yet to be determined. It also proves difficult to compare C-Bit with alternative interventions as C-Bit is not used in a vacuum it is often used in conjunction with other therapies such as pharmaceuticals of motivational interviewing. Kemp et al (2007) found a significant improvement in substance use in dual diagnosis patients when CBT and MI principle were combined. For the purpose of this essay the author will briefly look at one main alternative approach to dual diagnosis, that of motivational interviewing. Motivational interviewing Treasure (2004) describes MI as a patient centred counselling approach that facilitates the patient in resolve and explore ambivalence about behaviour change. The theory of MI centres on the cycle of change and its six components, precontemplation, contemplation, decision, action, maintenance of change and relapse. Miller and Rollnick (1994) describes motivation as something that one does as appose to something that one has. Empathy is vital in the therapeutic relationship and the use of MI. If the client believes the therapist has no appreciation of their experience they are likely to dis-engage or not fully commit to therapy. Rassool (2002) believes active listening also has an important role in MI. Reflecting back to the client their thoughts, fears, hopes and doubts give a feeling of genuineness, trust and empathy. In MI it is important not to offer advice , give judgement or attempt to question. The reason for behavioural change should be acknowledged and stated by the client. M I proves an effective therapy in dual diagnosis if delivered effectively. The therapist needs to avoid confrontation as this will lead to client denial, the role of the therapist as expert proves counter-productive and structured answer formats will inhibit the client in recognising the effects of their substance misuse. Motivational styles that guide a client in discovering alternative ways of thinking about their problems results in positive change (Miller and Rollnick 1991). By combining elements of style and technique MI has proven successful in dual diagnosis patients and has a developing evidence base. It proves difficult to contrast MI with CBIT as both complement each other so well and have similar approaches. Both are based on a collaborative relationship with clients, both incorporate a non-judgemental approach and both are approaches are built on empathy, warmth, trust and positive regard (Rogers, 1991). Both approaches also incorporate socratic questioning techniques encouraging the client to discover alternative meanings of their experience (Padesky and Greenberger 1995). One of the key differences is when it is best to use either technique. Those following a transtheoretical model of change may use MI when the client remains undecided about change in the precontemplation and contemplation stage whereas CBIT can be adopted when the client is more committed to change (Treasure 2004). This would support the work of Drake et al (2001) who after studying the work of a number of researchers believe that to enhance attendance and utilisation of treatment motivation interventions a re important. Conclusion The research on the impact of CBIT as a therapeutic intervention is still in its infancy. Some anecdotal evidence would suggest it provides the skills necessary to promote abstinence (Rassool 2002). Qualitative information gained from Grahams (2006) study suggests CBIT proved a useful tool for integrating and planning substance misuse. Due to the complex nature of dual diagnosis it seems unlikely that a single intervention will have the desired effect of meeting all the clients needs. Kemp (2007) supports this finding an improvement in substance misuse when MI and CBIT were combined. Due to this there has been a shift towards the integration of interventions delivered by mainstream mental health services (DOH 2002, 2006;Rassool 2002; Ziedonis et al. 2005). Some of the strongest treatment effects have come from combining a number of approaches (Barrowclough et al 2001; Bellacket et al. 2006).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Vivian Nguyen Amicangelo 8Celtics 22 February 2014 JOSEPH STALIN Joseph Stalin was a man who many people had mixed feelings for. Some say he was a dictator and a tyrant, but others say that as a ruler, he shaped Russia and pushed it in the right direction. Both sides are correct, and there are many examples to back them up. Stalin did accomplish benefiting Russia‘s image, but he was a man who killed many. Stalin was born as Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (later became Joseph Stalin) on December 18, 1879 and his parents were Besarion Jughashvili (father) and Ketevan Geladze (mother). When he was young, his father, Beso, had beaten his mother and him several times. They had a troublesome marriage and often argued about Stalin’s future. His mother wanted him to be a priest because she thought he was smart, so she did everything to get him a good education. His father wanted him to be a cobbler, and said that since he [Stalin’s father] was a cobbler, Stalin would follow the family job and become a cobbler. Fortunately, Stalin‘s mother defeated her husband and she even humiliated him. Stalin ended up doing what his mother wanted-- for a while (Radzinsky 17-31). Stalin is a very interesting man who always changed how he thought of everybody (he also called himself Stalin because â€Å"stalin† means steel) (Montefiore 30 â€Å"Young Stalinâ€Å").He had a huge effect on Russia; in a bad way. When Stalin used to work with Lenin and Trotsky, it wasn’t a competition of who was the best and who should control the country of Russia, but then it all changed. After that, he got people to turn against them and got rid of t... ...lowing him. Another reason was identity. Napoleon only represented Stalin, and that really brought out his characteristics. Since Napoleon was meant to represent Stalin, all of Stalin’s traits, most of his bad deeds, and events occurred in the book. For example, in Animal Farm, Orwell made Snowball seem smarter than Napoleon, but made Napoleon more powerful. This is true in real life because Lenin was a lot more educated than Stalin, but Stalin ended up with the power (Radinsky 97) Although Stalin had been tyrannical and crazy, he made Russia seem stronger, and is still seen as a good person today. Many people look at him like he was a murderous person, but other look at him as the man who made Russia better. He was a great leader, in a way, but that only depends on what the Russians believed in, and whether or not they (or someone they know) worked for Stalin. Essay -- Vivian Nguyen Amicangelo 8Celtics 22 February 2014 JOSEPH STALIN Joseph Stalin was a man who many people had mixed feelings for. Some say he was a dictator and a tyrant, but others say that as a ruler, he shaped Russia and pushed it in the right direction. Both sides are correct, and there are many examples to back them up. Stalin did accomplish benefiting Russia‘s image, but he was a man who killed many. Stalin was born as Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (later became Joseph Stalin) on December 18, 1879 and his parents were Besarion Jughashvili (father) and Ketevan Geladze (mother). When he was young, his father, Beso, had beaten his mother and him several times. They had a troublesome marriage and often argued about Stalin’s future. His mother wanted him to be a priest because she thought he was smart, so she did everything to get him a good education. His father wanted him to be a cobbler, and said that since he [Stalin’s father] was a cobbler, Stalin would follow the family job and become a cobbler. Fortunately, Stalin‘s mother defeated her husband and she even humiliated him. Stalin ended up doing what his mother wanted-- for a while (Radzinsky 17-31). Stalin is a very interesting man who always changed how he thought of everybody (he also called himself Stalin because â€Å"stalin† means steel) (Montefiore 30 â€Å"Young Stalinâ€Å").He had a huge effect on Russia; in a bad way. When Stalin used to work with Lenin and Trotsky, it wasn’t a competition of who was the best and who should control the country of Russia, but then it all changed. After that, he got people to turn against them and got rid of t... ...lowing him. Another reason was identity. Napoleon only represented Stalin, and that really brought out his characteristics. Since Napoleon was meant to represent Stalin, all of Stalin’s traits, most of his bad deeds, and events occurred in the book. For example, in Animal Farm, Orwell made Snowball seem smarter than Napoleon, but made Napoleon more powerful. This is true in real life because Lenin was a lot more educated than Stalin, but Stalin ended up with the power (Radinsky 97) Although Stalin had been tyrannical and crazy, he made Russia seem stronger, and is still seen as a good person today. Many people look at him like he was a murderous person, but other look at him as the man who made Russia better. He was a great leader, in a way, but that only depends on what the Russians believed in, and whether or not they (or someone they know) worked for Stalin.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How To Develop A Good Personality

Having a good personality is an important skill in life. It is not an easy feat to achieve but with these simple yet crucial steps, a good, well-meaning personality can be achieved by anyone. Take care of your appearance. ;Manner of dressing ;Use of make-up and hairdo ;Language used ;poise 2 Think positive thoughts, both about yourself and others in general. The thoughts that we think soon turn into the words we say and the actions we take. Having good thoughts about yourself gives you self-confidence and self-respect, essential in any good person.Never lose a chance to prove yourself. In our day to day life we came across several opportunities which could help our self in defining our personality. For example if you are in a conversation with a group or a individual you must talk in a way thou can prove others what you are really†¦. And it does not matter if you say a line or a speech. The thing which will matter is the words of yours. Whether they were able to leave an impact on others or not. 4 Look for famous people whose personality defined them. Athletes, artists, actors and musicians are people who ace challenges in their careers everyday.They have to have patience and perseverance in order to succeed. Many of them are humble in spite of their success and fame. These are life skills which is learned culminate in the creation of a good personality. 5 Look deep inside yourself and think about who you are. Many people find themselves to be better by reflection. 6 Help wherever and whenever you can. A little sacrifice can go along way in changing another person's day. 7 Always be yourself. If you are following some famous personality, make sure that you never lose yourself.It means that you have to stick to that behavior every time. Feel it in your blood. 8 Learn to love other people. Many bad personalities come about because people do not want to forgive each other and thus become filled with so much interpersonal hate that they hate other people. This makes them come off as bad and self-centered when all they lack is the insight to forgive and forget whatever may be the root of conflict between them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Signora Da Vinci

Catering is the Signora dad Vinci. She is Leonardo mother. She is the daughter off well-educated man, Ernest, Vine's apothecary. He had an alchemical laboratory, a medicinal garden and an apothecary shop where Catering normally helped. Catering's mom died when she was a baby. Catering was raised by her dad and by her aunt. At the age of eight, his dad decided she was ready to start her education. Ernest told Catering that eight was the greatest of numbers because it was the number of Infinity: It had no beginning and no end.He said: â€Å"Eight is the number of endless possibility. † (p. 8) That day Ernest took Catering to the third floor, a place where she was not allowed to go before. There she found two rooms. Catering explained what she felt when she entered into the rooms. (p. 9) â€Å"When we entered I found myself in a bright, airy, but unadorned room. It was filled with tables, and the surface of every one of them was covered in books† There were dozens of hand- copied books, one manuscript, for example, was one thousand years old.Her father to to have those books and manuscripts because he worked for the Florentine historian and scholar: Pogo Bracingly who also worked for Cosmic De Medici. Cosmic wanted his people to know the ancient Greek and Roman writers and documents that were destroyed with the great library in Alexandria (Egypt. Many of these were hidden from the Christian church fathers, who thought them heretical. Ernest told her daughter that â€Å"What lied within the pages of those books were truths that they couldn't allow to be lost to the World. Truths that had to be learned by her. † And Catering did learn.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Homeless In America

Homelessness In America The Stewart McKinney Act of 1987 defines a homeless person as Aone who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence, or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel or any public or private place not designated as sleeping accommodations for human beings. Included in the homeless population are people who stay with friends or family for a short period of time and then decide to find shelter on the streets because of conflict with the people whom they are staying with, or because of personal pride. In the early 1980s homelessness was determined to be a major problem in the United States. These years saw a steep rise in the number of homeless, due to poor economy and diminishing financial help for housing and income. The homeless consist of all types, races, and ages of people. A large portion of the homeless population consists of men but the number of women and children living on the streets is on the rise. Current statistics show that women and children now make up around forty percent of the homeless population. According to John J. Macionis one third of homeless people abuse drugs and one fourth are mentally ill. The current homeless population is mostly non-white and has an average age of the middle thirties. Veterans make up about one-third of the total number of homeless men. The homeless all suffer from absolute poverty. As stated in 1995 by the United States government, 36 million people or 13.8% of the population was poor. The government defines a family of four as being poor if they generate a yearly income of $15,569 or less, although the average improvised families income was only around $10,000 in 1995. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics states, the average annual income of the homeless in Chicago was $1198 in 1996. Perhaps we should not be surprised that one percent of our population, for one reason or another is unable to cope... Free Essays on Homeless In America Free Essays on Homeless In America Homelessness In America The Stewart McKinney Act of 1987 defines a homeless person as Aone who lacks a fixed permanent nighttime residence, or whose nighttime residence is a temporary shelter, welfare hotel or any public or private place not designated as sleeping accommodations for human beings. Included in the homeless population are people who stay with friends or family for a short period of time and then decide to find shelter on the streets because of conflict with the people whom they are staying with, or because of personal pride. In the early 1980s homelessness was determined to be a major problem in the United States. These years saw a steep rise in the number of homeless, due to poor economy and diminishing financial help for housing and income. The homeless consist of all types, races, and ages of people. A large portion of the homeless population consists of men but the number of women and children living on the streets is on the rise. Current statistics show that women and children now make up around forty percent of the homeless population. According to John J. Macionis one third of homeless people abuse drugs and one fourth are mentally ill. The current homeless population is mostly non-white and has an average age of the middle thirties. Veterans make up about one-third of the total number of homeless men. The homeless all suffer from absolute poverty. As stated in 1995 by the United States government, 36 million people or 13.8% of the population was poor. The government defines a family of four as being poor if they generate a yearly income of $15,569 or less, although the average improvised families income was only around $10,000 in 1995. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics states, the average annual income of the homeless in Chicago was $1198 in 1996. Perhaps we should not be surprised that one percent of our population, for one reason or another is unable to cope...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Wrinkle In Time essays

A Wrinkle In Time essays In Willstead town, in North Carolina strange things are happening. Do you want to know more? Well in A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine LEngle, a wonderful writer tells all the weird things that are happening. The setting of this story is on North Carolina, at the town of Willstead in the year of 2005. One day Margaret was left by the Aliens when she was two- months old at planet Earth, and was found by the Murries, a nice couple, that had one year of marriage. Several years had passed and Margaret grew up like a normal girl. Now she has twin brothers and a Collie dog. At school everybody thinks that she is a freak, but she is a ten-year-old girl, with beautiful eyes and a lot of intelligence. She is an alien but no one knows not even her. Margaret came to Earth by a computer fraud that caused a wrinkle in time. An old woman called Mrs. Whatsit came to Earth with a job to take Margaret back. She visits Margaret and buys her nice things to win Margarets confidence. Mrs. Whatsit lived in the middle of the woods. One day a robbery had been reported to the police. It was a missing blanket and the thief was Mrs. Whatsit because she needed a lot of warmth because planet Earth was too cold for them. The Tesseract that is the name of the species that Margaret and Mrs. Whatsit belong to. At school some rare people that were the same species of Margaret went to do a contest. Margaret won the contest but this was no contest this were a series of exams that they had to do to Margaret to see if she could live in her home planet and see if she was fit to live there. Mrs. Whatsit was there and after the exams she sat down Margaret and started telling everything about her species and how she got here. At first Margaret didnt believe it but afterwards she started understanding all the things she had passed through all alone with no one that could understand her. Mrs. Wh ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist Homer Plessy (1862-1925) is best known as the plaintiff in the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which he challenged Louisianas Separate Car Act. As the son of free people of color with mostly European ancestry, Plessy used his racially ambiguous appearance to challenge racial segregation on a Louisiana train, cementing his legacy as a civil rights activist. Fast Facts: Homer Plessy Full Name: Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe PlessyKnown For: Civil rights activist who challenged racial segregation policies. Plaintiff in U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896Born: March 17, 1863 in New Orleans, LouisianaDied: March 1, 1925 in Metairie, LouisianaParents: Joseph Adolphe Plessy, Rosa Debergue Plessy, and Victor M. Dupart (stepfather) ï » ¿Early Years Homer Plessy was born Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe Plessy to French-speaking parents Joseph Adolphe Plessy and Rosa Debergue Plessy. Germain Plessy, his paternal grandfather, was a white man born in Bordeaux, France, who moved to New Orleans after the Haitian Revolution in the 1790s. He and his wife, Catherine Mathieu, a free woman of color, had eight children, including Homer Plessy’s father. Joseph Adolphe Plessy died in the late 1860s when Homer was a small boy. In 1871, his mother remarried Victor M. Dupart, a U.S. Post Office clerk and shoemaker. Plessy followed in his stepfather’s footsteps, working as a shoemaker at a business called Patricio Britos during the 1880s, and he also worked in other capacities, including as an insurance agent. Outside of work, Plessy was an active member of his community. In 1887, Plessy served as vice president of the Justice, Protective, Educational, and Social Club, a New Orleans organization focused on public education reform. The following year, he married Louise Bordenave at St. Augustine Church. He was 25 and his bride was 19. The couple lived in the Tremà © neighborhood, now an important historic site for African-American and Crà ©ole culture.   At age 30, Plessy joined Comità © des Citoyens, which translates to Citizens’ Committee. The racially mixed organization advocated for civil rights, a topic that had interested Plessy since childhood, when his stepfather had been an activist involved in the 1873 Unification Movement to foster racial equality in Louisiana. When the time came for Plessy to make a sacrifice to fight injustice, he did not back away. Challenging Jim Crow The leadership of Comità © des Citoyens asked Plessy if he would be willing to challenge one of Louisianas Jim Crow laws by boarding the white section of a train car. The group wanted him to make the move to challenge the Separate Car Act, a law passed in 1890 by the Louisiana State Legislature which required blacks and whites to board â€Å"equal but separate† train cars. Article in the Daily Picayune, New Orleans, announcing the arrest of (Homer) Adolphe Plessy for violation of railway racial segregation law. The case would go to the US Supreme Court as Plessy v. Ferguson.   Public Domain / Daily Picayune, New Orleans, June 9, 1892 Louisiana’s Separate Car Act required â€Å"all railway companies carrying passengers on their trains, in this State, to provide equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races, by providing separate coaches or compartments so as to secure separate accommodations, defining the duties of the officers of such railways; directing them to assign passengers to the coaches or compartments set aside for the use of the race to which such passengers belong.† On February 4, 1892, on a first attempt to challenge the law, civil rights activist Daniel Desdunes, son of Rodolphe Desdunes, one of Comità © des Citoyens’ founders, bought a ticket for a white passenger car on a train headed out of Louisiana. The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers hoped to argue that the Separate Car Act was unconstitutional, but Desdunes’ case was ultimately dismissed because Judge John H. Ferguson said the law didn’t apply to interstate travel. Plessy v. Ferguson The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers wanted Plessy to test the law next, and they made sure to have him travel on an intrastate train. On June 7, 1892, Plessy bought a ticket on the East Louisiana Railroad and boarded a white passenger car after the conductor was told Plessy was part-black. Plessy was arrested after just 20 minutes, and his attorneys argued that his civil rights had been violated, citing both the the 13th and 14th amendments. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and the 14th includes the Equal Protection Clause, which prevents the State from denying â€Å"to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Despite this argument, both the Louisiana Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court, in the landmark 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, ruled that Plessy’s rights had not been violated and that Louisiana was within its rights to uphold a â€Å"separate but equal† way of life for blacks and whites. To avoid jail time, Plessy paid a $25 fine, and the Comità © des Citoyens disbanded. Later Years and Legacy After his unsuccessful Supreme Court case, Homer Plessy resumed his quiet life. He had three children, sold insurance for a living, and remained an active part of his community. He died at the age 62. Unfortunately, Plessy did not live to see the impact his act of civil disobedience had on civil rights. While he lost his case, the decision was reversed by the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. In this critical ruling, the high court concluded that â€Å"separate but equal† policies violated the rights of people of color, be it in schools or in other capacities. A decade later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial segregation in public places as well as employment discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or country of origin. Plessy’s contributions to civil rights have not been forgotten. In his honor, the Louisiana House of Representatives and the New Orleans City Council established Homer Plessy Day, first observed on June 7, 2005. Four years later, Keith Plessy, the great-grandson of Homer Plessy’s first cousin, and Phoebe Ferguson, a descendant of Judge John H. Ferguson, started the Plessy Ferguson Foundation to educate the public about the historic case. That year, a marker was also placed at Press and Royal streets, where Plessy was arrested for boarding a whites-only passenger car. Sources Barnes, Robert. â€Å"Plessy and Ferguson: Descendants of a Divisive Supreme Court Decision Unite.† The Washington Post, June 5, 2011.â€Å"Plessy v. Ferguson: Who Was Plessy?†â€Å"A Brief History of the Evolution of the Case.† Plessy Ferguson Foundation.â€Å"1892: Homer Plessys train ride makes history in New Orleans.† The Times-Picayune, Sept. 27, 2011.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Peer-review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peer-review - Essay Example The paper successfully explored the functions of microglia in iron homeostasis. However, this section needs to be expanded a bit. The paper does not provide a probable solution or the measures that can be taken in order to address the problem highlighted. Essentially, the aim of the aim of a research paper is to try to raise a problem and try to suggest solutions that can be implemented in order to address that problem. The paper should also have highlighted the gap that should be covered in future research in the event that this research failed to provide solutions that can help prevent the problem. Current important neurological medical research studies have revealed that excess accumulation of iron, especially in basal ganglia regions of brain, are major causes for various kinds of brain diseases including major ones like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Atherosclerosis This mini-review will consider around 10-15 medically validated and peer reviewed brain neurology studies which provide the benefits of microglia in reducing brain inflammation caused by excessive iron deposits. This condition precipitates factors that diverse disease such as cancer, liver toxicity, and other genres of neurological degenerative conditions that are not only caused by aging but also the presence of disease causing agents. [2] The section above highlights some of the grammatical errors that need

Friday, October 18, 2019

Expanding Your Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Expanding Your Business - Essay Example Further, the company, The Coffee Shop, pricing for breakfast, lunch, and diner dish is pegged at an average of  £10 per meal, including coffee. Coffee and other beverage prices include  £ 2.60 for Espresso,  £ 2.20 for Americano,  £2.20 for Macciato,  £2.20 for Cortado,  £2.65 for Flat White,  £ 2.65 for Latte,  £ 2.60 for Cappuccino,  £ 2.90 for Mocha,  £ 290 for Hot Chocolate,  £ 2.90 for Iced tea, and  £ 2.90 for Iced Chocolate. The English breakfast prices include  £ 7 bacon sandwich,  £ 3.70 poached egg,  £ 8 for has browns,  £ 11 full breakfast,  £ 7 Scottish smoked salmon and scrambled egg, and  £ 10 Omelette meal. The breakfast menu includes  £ 3 porridge,  £ 4 strawberries and pears,  £4 fruit mix breakfast,  £ 2.50 grapefruit, and  £ toasted bread  £ 1.70. The customers can also savor the  £ 12 hamburger or the stomach filling Longhorn Beef hamburger for  £ 19. Furthermore, the average cost of each menu choice is only 30 percent of the total menu price. The remaining 70 percent represents the amount allocated to paying for the expenses of running the business. The expenses include amount paid for electricity, water, and telephone expenses. The expenses also include the amount paid for the salaries of the coffee shop crew of five persons (Warren, 2009). The company is expected to borrow funds to realize the dream of setting up a residential coffee shop. The amount of loan is twenty percent of the total business capital. With a total business investment of  £ 60,000 pounds, the amount to be loaned is only  £ 20,000. Consequently, the company will pay  £ 1,000 interest per year for the use of the loan amount. The amount  £ 60,000 will be used to prepare the residential unit for the coffee business. The total investment is composed of  £ 40,000 investment by the sole proprietor and  £ 20,000 loan amount (Noreen, 2008). The balance sheet shows that the company uses the loan and the owner’s

Understanding Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding Argument - Essay Example The author’s argument can be summarised in one sentence as follows; Guns should be banned for civilians in the United States because they are too dangerous and kill too many people to be safe for non-professionals to use. She goes about supporting this point firstly by arguing that the Second Amendment of the American constitution does not confer upon American civilians the right to own a gun. Ivins quotes from the Second amendment, which states that guns can be kept by ‘members of a well regulated militia’. (4) This, she argues, does not mean that the average man on the street automatically has the right to own a gun, but rather that this right is specifically limited by the Second Amendment to the police and security forces. In Ivins’ view, ‘fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well regulated militia. Wacky members of a religious cult are not members of a well regulated militia.’ (4) The licensing of guns to members of the public, therefo re, goes against the Second Amendment. Thomas Jefferson, quips Ivins, surely wasn’t aiming to uphold the right of gangs to kill innocent members of the public in drive-by shootings. Ivins then moves on to the argument that things other than guns kill people, but they are not made illegal. Her example is the car. A car, so the pro-gun lobby argument goes, is just as likely to kill you as a gun. There are many irresponsible drivers who kill people in traffic accidents, just like there are irresponsible gun owners who go out and shoot people, but the car hasn’t been outlawed. Ivins’ response to this line of attack is that we ‘licence them [i.e. cars] and their owners, restrict their use to presumably sane and sober adults and keep track of who sells them to whom’. (8) She argues that at the very least the same should be done for guns. In Ivins’ argument

Security Manager Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Security Manager Role - Essay Example Organizations are now seeking for both technical and management experts for managing security. A security manager must establish policies, standards, procedures and guidelines to make a repeatable and documented security practices within the organization. Security breaches are constantly happening and there is a requirement of periodic security risk assessment to address potential vulnerabilities and mitigate threat by implementing controls. Moreover, security governance is considered as a pre-requisite before establishing a security management program within the organization. Security governance facilitates in creating awareness at the senior management and board of the organization. Once the advantages are understood, the security management program will be successful to some extent and management will actively participate in every day security functions, as security is a responsibility of all personnel. We will discuss the role of a security manager in three different domains alon g with responsibilities and associated tasks. Role of Security Manager Organizing information systems is defined as the series of activities that are associated with information handling. Organizations expand their business gradually. For instance, strategic plan for any financial institution is to open a branch on every quarter of the year depending on stable revenue and defined achieved objectives. The security manager creates security strategy that must be aligned with the business strategic plan and addresses security issues. Similarly, the expansion of the organization create more risks and increases the workload for handling information because the maintenance, storage and exchange of information has now become more than ever before. The security manager analyzes configuration management and change management activities to eliminate any security weakness and loopholes. Information handling takes place on three levels i.e. formal level, informal level and technical level (Dhill on, 2007). The formal information system is associated with communication from third parties, suppliers, contractors, clients, regulatory authorities and financial sectors. As the word formal says for itself, it is a process in which the security manager ensures that the rules are followed and establishes security baselines and standards for business processes that must be followed. As non-compliance may become a threat to the business or critical assets. Likewise, the security manager automates all the formal processes and procedures for defining a standard as well as effectiveness and efficiency but it is not sufficient. The informal information system is the second type of information handling that occurs in the organization. The informal information system demonstrated a culture within a culture i.e. sub culture that defines the purpose of understanding. Likewise, it is the system where security manager establishes consensuses and beliefs that are recognized by liaising with key stake holders. Moreover, employees get to know due care and due diligence for performing their responsibilities and tasks. However, modification and changes are also made at the same stage, as informal system facilitates the formal system by a natural way. Moreover, different groups of people can be created, as the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits Essay - 3

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits of this to a company Support your answer with examples - Essay Example Several theories regarding how managers can motivate employees have been figured out by different researchers and these theories can be incorporated in real life by managers to motivate employees. One such theory is the need theory proposed by McClelland and according to this theory all individuals experience three kinds of needs including need for power, association and achievement and individuals tend to work in order to attain the satisfaction of these needs (Lauby, 2005, p.2). This writing will focus on how managers can use McClelland’s need theory in order to motivate their employees and how motivating employees can benefit an organization. Body As stated in the introductory section, individuals face three kinds of needs and they have a desire to fulfil these needs. One of the three needs identified by McClelland is the need for achievement that motivates individuals to work hard. Managers can motivate their employees by helping them in achieving the aims and objectives o f their lives. For example: employees work in order to earn money and they want to earn money in order to purchase a better living standard and lifestyle for themselves and even for those who are related to them. This shows that managers can motivate employees with the assistance of monetary rewards in exchange for the hard work and time employees invest in completion of aims and objectives of the organization. A study was conducted by Condly and other researchers in which th

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Technology - Essay Example People spend most of their time with virtual people in the internet more than they do with those they know in real life. This makes them less relevant in the society as they end up being loners. Children spend most of their time playing video games instead of socializing with other children as those of the past did (Miller, 2013). Several events could not have occurred without the existence of the internet. Using emails to send and receive electronic mails, for instance, would not have been possible without the occurrence of the internet. Facebook and other social networks, which help subscribers keep in touch with friends, would not have existed without the internet. Skype, for instance, enables people to physically talk to each other, no matter the distance. This would not be possible before the internet age since one would have to travel to where the other person is to see them. Miller, P. (2013, May 1). I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet. Retrieved from The Verge:

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits Essay - 3

How can a manager motivate a workforce and what are the major benefits of this to a company Support your answer with examples - Essay Example Several theories regarding how managers can motivate employees have been figured out by different researchers and these theories can be incorporated in real life by managers to motivate employees. One such theory is the need theory proposed by McClelland and according to this theory all individuals experience three kinds of needs including need for power, association and achievement and individuals tend to work in order to attain the satisfaction of these needs (Lauby, 2005, p.2). This writing will focus on how managers can use McClelland’s need theory in order to motivate their employees and how motivating employees can benefit an organization. Body As stated in the introductory section, individuals face three kinds of needs and they have a desire to fulfil these needs. One of the three needs identified by McClelland is the need for achievement that motivates individuals to work hard. Managers can motivate their employees by helping them in achieving the aims and objectives o f their lives. For example: employees work in order to earn money and they want to earn money in order to purchase a better living standard and lifestyle for themselves and even for those who are related to them. This shows that managers can motivate employees with the assistance of monetary rewards in exchange for the hard work and time employees invest in completion of aims and objectives of the organization. A study was conducted by Condly and other researchers in which th

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

How Television Has Impacted Technology Essay Example for Free

How Television Has Impacted Technology Essay Television was introduced in 1949 but very few people had it because it was extremely expensive. The only channels people could watch were NBC and CBS. Television became increasingly popular because it was entertainment without going and sitting in the movie theaters. As TV became more popular, it became more affordable. People would hear about television through word of mouth, news, radio and newspaper. Everybody liked the idea of being entertained and staying at home. By the 1960s most families has TV sets in their living rooms, depending on if they liked being entertained at home. Television in the United States has grown year after year and has made a big impact on American culture in many ways. TV has taken a big part in violence in society, the news, how people are stereotyped, childhood obesity, family values, social interaction, and so much more. In my opinion one of the biggest impacts that television has had on American culture is childhood obesity. Obesity is considered a form of malnutrition in which food energy is stored as fat due to being unused. Child obesity is bred within the home and the television is a major contributor to it. The energy we consume from food needs to be used up by the body on a daily basis through physical exertion. An overweight child devoting a major portion of time to watching television is at risk to becoming obese. Television is certainly a contributor to that obesity. Kids these days are getting bigger and bigger, while television shows are growing and growing. To me, that is a big issue and television affects it a lot. Back in the day children enjoyed going outside to play, getting involved in sports or just anything outdoors. I feel like as of today there are now only about a quarter of the kids that enjoy doing outdoors stuff like that. The other 75% of kids choose to stay inside because most likely there favorite TV show is on or there is a movie that they just have to watch. Those kids are losing their time to play outside and mainly burn and lose calories because they are just sitting there watching TV for hours and hours. Obesity is known to be one of the major health concerns among both children and adults in the United States today. It is suggested by certain groups that children should not watch more than two hours of television a day. This in my opinion is already too much because that is where childhood obesity all gets started. The average child n the United States regularly watches between 2-3 hours of television a day and many children now days have their own television set in their bedroom. Not only are children inactive while they are watching television, they often snack on unhealthy food choices. And like I said, establishing unhealthy food habits as a child can often continue into adulthood. Investi gators have hypothesized that television viewing cause’s obesity by one or more of three mechanisms: (1) displacement of physical activity, (2) increased calorie consumption while watching or caused by the effects of advertising, and (3) reduced resting metabolism. The relationship between television viewing and obesity has been examined in a relatively large number of cross-sectional epidemiologic studies but few longitudinal studies. Many of these studies have found relatively weak, positive associations, but others have found no associations or mixed results; however, the weak and variable associations found in these studies may be the result of limitations in measurement. Even studies for reducing the amount of television intake have been completed. They do not test â€Å"reducing television time† directly, but the results that they get may help to reduce the amount of risk for obesity or help promote weight loss in obese children. â€Å"An experimental study was designed specifically to test directly the causal relationship between television viewing behaviors and body fatness. The results of this randomized, controlled trial provide evidence that television viewing is a cause of increased body fatness and that reducing television viewing is a promising strategy for preventing childhood obesity. † I really think parents need to take a stand to their children by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the television, before it gets too late and they have an obese child. Removing televisions from children’s bedrooms and putting time limits on the TV may be a good way for parents to reduce the risk of obesity in children. Parents must serve as role models because their television viewing habits influence their children’s. Parents should also limit the frequency of television viewing. Overweight and obese children need to be encouraged to do more physical activity such as walking, playing and limiting their television time. Children may also need structured physical activity times to divert them away from television. â€Å"Although the increase in childhood obesity is not caused solely by television watching, Dr. Reginald Washington points out in the editorial that accompanies the articles, Society, as a whole, must realize that to effectively control and prevent this obesity epidemic, all risk factors must simultaneously be reduced. A study by the University of Liverpool psychologists has shown that it is to be true that obese and overweight children increase their food intake by more than 100% after watching food advertisements on television. Children all over the world are exposed to a huge number of TV advertisements, primarily for fast foods and sweets. Some say that it is not the amount of TV; it is the number of junk food commercials that advertise unhealthy foods and constantly play over and over. It is miserable that people blame television as a result to childhood obesity but the United States is starting to get very lazy when it comes to situations like this, therefore I truly believe TV is one of the dominate reasons of why children are becoming obese. I feel like this impact has been mainly negative on American culture. Television advertisers get talked down to by research groups, wanting them to take away all the unhealthy food commercials. Childhood obesity coming from television watchers makes American culture look very bad. When you find out that all it takes is television sets in a kids bedroom and high-quality shows that make children sit, stare and snack to become obese. It really puts a depressing look on America. In my opinion it is a very negative result because it used to not be this way at all. The parents and children put themselves in the situation to becoming obese and television just is an excuse for whenever they actually are obese. I know I will never let my children or close friends get this way due to excess amount of television watching. I have time to watch all my shows I like during the day and still get a good exercise in. I believe that all people can watch their weight and not become obese if they really try. So I really hope the culture changes and fix its look on television with obesity. I do believe that the internet will be used more wisely than television as a medium for delivering content. Television is an older and dull way of showing and sharing shows, movies and advertisements, while now days the nternet can do the same plus a whole lot more. Internet is a lot easier to get to because so many people have smart phones or laptops to be able to quickly access it. I feel like even now I start to see more and more people of all ages on their laptop/computer/smart phone rather than sitting down and watching television shows. Internet is a new (compared to TV) and entertaining way to access World Wide Web. News and broadcast stations are all starting to put their information and ideas on the internet even before they send them to television. While putting the internet into question about my topic, as much as I hate seeing younger kids run around with their own smart phone and/or laptop, it would really help society. Internet will help a lot more in this situation because children that do have smart phones will be able to play outside and exercise with their phone in hand. If the kids do go outside while on their phone it will stop them from sitting in front of a television set, sitting, staring and snacking. Therefore, it will lower the childhood obesity rate in the United States. Childhood obesity is a very heartbreaking yet occurring thing that television influenced and started in the U. S. It has been a very big impact on television and American Culture. After all, we are all hoping and praying that parents help their children get back to how it was back in the day. Have the children exercising, playing outside, and getting involved in sports that way they only spend approximately one hour watching television. We have to lower the childhood obesity rate and will continue to try and stop every way that is involved in it.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Icelandic volcanoes

Icelandic volcanoes Icelandic volcanoes have been associated with many devastating impacts, not only for the people of Iceland. Volcanic hazards tend to extend beyond Icelandic soil and travel to the opposite side of the globe, and are therefore considered worldwide hazards. This shows us that although the eruption occurred on land, the nature and volume of eruptions at mid-ocean ridges are very widespread. An example, of a volcano causing detrimental effects on a large scale was the Laki eruption of Iceland in June of 1783. There were over 1000 people that died which accounts for 25% of the population, and about half of the islands cattle and three-fourths of its sheep died. Furthermore, a large number of hectares and vegetation also perished. A great number of people and livestock died from suffocation caused by the pyroclastic flow- the most dangerous feature of volcanoes. The pyroclastic flow is extremely hot and triggers high velocity winds (exceeding wind speeds in hurricanes) within the cloud and the poisonous volatile gases which are capable of destroying all life within many miles of the volcano in a matter of minutes**. These gases include sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur trioxide (SO3) which are poisonous alone, however combined with water from sulfuric acid (HCl), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrofluoric acid (HF) and boric acid (H3BO3) can kill within a matter of minutes once inhaled. People and livestock also died due to the secondary effects. The islands vegetation rapidly perished under a blanket of ash. This vegetation could not receive any sunlight to flourish as the ash which coated it blocked the sunlight. Due to a lack of vegetation widespread famine traveled across Europe and diseases surfaced due to the lack of nutrition, effecting the livestock and human inhabitants of the island. Furthermore, the haze that coverers the sky after an eruption, results from the sulfur gases reacting with water vapor, this blocks the suns rays and is therefore detrimental to both life on land and in the ocean. Volcano Laki efficiently eliminated the 1783 summer and it was the coldest in 500 years in some locations, according to tree ring data. The sun was obscured by the vast cloud caused by the Laki eruption and, what should have been a warm summer in the northern hemisphere, took on winter proportions, not just in Iceland, but all over Europe.** Poems were written that i ncluded descriptions of the sun- ‘pale blood red ghost within the volcanic haze. In reference to the laki volcano in Iceland, Benjamin Franklin during a lecture in 1784 made the following comments, when the effect of the suns rays to heat the earth in these northern regions should have been greater, there existed a constant fog all over Europe, and a great part of North America†¦this haze was also observed over Asia and North Africa. These days the haze would cease aviation over much of Europe if an eruption the capacity of Laki occurred. The haze does not only decrease visibility, but it also damages aircraft. For example, the most common result is engine damage that occurs when volcanic ash enters the jet intakes; the volcanic ash melts and cools to become glass coating the turbine blades, often causing the engines to stall. Further secondary effects included contaminated water supplies within Iceland. The water became poison due to its contact with pyroclastic flow and being supplied with acid rain. A build up of fluoride within the drinking water caused ‘fluoride poisoning which resulted in bone deformities in people and livestock evident in graveyard excavations. Volcanoes also have the capacity to interrupt the normal weather patterns not only locally, but also on a large scale. For example, in France the extreme weather resulted in a surplus harvest in 1785 that inflicted poverty upon rural workers, accompanied by droughts, bad winters and summers, involved a horrific thunderstorm and hailstorm in 1788 that damaged crops. This in turn contributed significantly to the build up of poverty and famine that triggered the French revolution in 1780. Recent computer modeling shows that the cooler temperatures in the Northern hemisphere in 1783 caused a weak monsoon for Southern Asia and Northern Africa. The unusual cold in the North lessened the temperature contrast between the land and the oceans, upon which the monsoon winds rely for their development and strength. With little or no monsoon, there are no clouds to produce rain for rivers or to prevent the surface evaporation. Without rain there was no irrigation supplied for crops and this result ed in a food shortage for these countries. The cooler weather also caused the Mississippi River to freeze and the formation of ice in the Gulf of Mexico. These unprecedented weather patterns upon Europe continued for several years Lava is another dangerous feature of volcanoes. The vent of the Laki volcano was marked by a row of lava fountains throwing red-hot molten basalt tens of meters into the air and in a single day, the front of the lava flow advanced 15km2, making it the largest historic eruption. The destructive power of lava flows lies in the high temperature of the rock, which can set structures aflame, and in the size and mass of the flow, which can engulf or crush even large buildings. One observer of the Laki volcano said ‘all the earths plants burned, withered and turned gray, one after another, as the fire increased and neared the settlements. Earthquakes can also be triggered by volcanic activity. The Earthquakes are produced by stress changes in solid rock caused by the insertion and/or removal of magma. These earthquakes can cause land to subside and can produce large ground cracks**. Furthermore, the Laki eruption was heralded by a series of earthquakes and the opening of fissures 25km long, and a shallow graben formed between two of the fissures.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Issues of Mannerism Essay -- Essays Papers

Issues of Mannerism The movement in painting that is now referred to as Mannerism began in Italy around 1520, influenced artists throughout Europe, and lasted until the end of the 16th century. The word Mannerism originates from the Italian word maniera which translates into the English word style. The basis of Mannerism then is style; it’s a period of art where the focus was on grace and beauty. While preceding trends of Renaissance art looked to nature to find their style, working to perfect it, Mannerists manipulated nature creating a gross perfection of human form, idealizing forms to the point of abstraction. Definitions of Mannerist art as well as the reasons for its appearance as a movement are still contested today. For a definition of mannerism to have validity, it must offer a valid origination of the movement. Much is revealed when the reasons behind a certain artistic expression are clear. Until the 19th century, Mannerist art was considered by most to be perverse and capricious. It was considered simply an excessive use of a specific manner of which contained qualities that were strange and unjustified. It was thought that extravagance, a need for increased productivity, and a lack of artistic knowledge led to the Mannerist style. In the early part of the 20th century, these generalizations were considered unfair, and many new theories about the origins of Mannerism surfaced. Some theories suggest that artists were displaying a conscious deviance, painting against the rules of classical art, and rebelling against the High Renaissance and the ideal of naturalness. The spiritual unrest of the age is often considered the root of this deviant artistic behavior. John Shearman points out in Mannerism that the wars of the early 16th century created a period of economic and social disturbance creating the growth of Mannerist style. He says "most works of art are insulated in the mind of the artist even from his personal crises, joys and tragedies" (40). More reasonable, he says, are explanations of Mannerism in terms of sociological and religious influences. There was a new development in patronage during this period where works were commissioned for no other reason than to have a work made by a certain artist. Many times the subject, and/or the medium were to be decided upon by the artist. Rosso Fiorentino’s Desc... ...tle ‘Mannerism’ creates the illusion that it was a conscious movement like one of the 19th or 20th centuries. Mannerism didn’t have a focus, the artists weren’t working toward a common goal. The artists of Mannerism were influenced by all that came before them: antiquity, their predecessors and artistic peers, but Mannerists were most importantly looking toward the future and their own imaginations. Artists were for the first time were creating art for the sake of art. The goal of art was no longer intended completely as social or religious propaganda to be determined by the patron. Mannerist art was influenced by imagination and based on fantasy, and it was largely aimed at the enjoyment of an audience. Works Cited Tansey, Richard G. and Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner’s Art Through the Ages. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1996. Janson, H.W. and Anthony F. Janson. History of Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1997. Fenton, James. Introduction. Les Miserables. By Victor Hugo. New York: Dewynters, 1997. Waldman, Diane. Roy Lichtenstein. New York: Rizzoli International, 1993. Waldman, Diane. Roy Lichtenstein. Austria: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1969.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sartre and the Rationalization of Human Sexuality Essay -- Philosophy

Sartre and the Rationalization of Human Sexuality ABSTRACT: Sartre rationalizes sexuality much like Plato. Rationalization here refers to the way Sartre tries to facilitate explanation by changing the terms of the discussion from sexual to nonsexual concepts. As a philosophy which, above all, highlights those features of human existence which seem most resistant to explanation, one would expect existentialism to highlight sexuality as a category that is crucial for considering human existence. Descartes comes immediately to mind when one focuses on Sartre's major categories. In Sartre's case however, it is not mind and matter but consciousness and its opposite: "nothingness" and "being." This irreducible dualism is the key to the trouble human beings have with existence. Humans try to deal with the tensions implied by this dualism by trying to pretend people are not subjects but objects. Sartre calls this "bad faith." He begins by attempting to take human sexuality seriously as a fundamental category, but ends by abandoning the effo rt in favor of other substitutes. Akin to Plato in his rationalization of sexuality is Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre is probably the end of existentialist philosophy in two senses: in the first place in the sense of extending existentialist premises as far as they can be taken, and in the second place in the sense of serving as the canonical example of existentialist thought. Since existentialism is the philosophy above all other philosophies which takes seriously the concrete existence of a human in all of its facticity, anxiety, temporality, and fleshliness, and will place this existence before all decisions about essence, it would seem that above all others we can expect from Sartre a philosop... ...y important in sexuality. This is "bad faith" in reverse, the treating of objectivities as though subjective. On the other hand, the For-itself is too much bound or confined to abstract categories. Is sexuality really a dialectic of subject and object? It is this, but is it only this? These broad categories cover all cosmic relationships. Sex disappears into an abstraction. Wherein lies the distinguishing difference of sexuality and what difference does this make? These considerations are nowhere in Sartre. This is Sartre's sexuality, a bloodless and a passionless dance of the categories. Notes (1) Translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. Barnes and published by Philosophical Library, New York, 1956. Page numbers placed in parentheses in the text refer to this edition. (2) Sartre illustrates "bad faith" with a sexual illustration. See pages 55-56.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Rhetorical Question Essay

In the story â€Å"Nineteen Thirty-Seven† Edwidge Danticat presents Josephine, a Haitian girl who often visits her mother at the Port Au Prince prison. In the process of Josephine’s visits the reader comes to understand that pain surrounds her life. Not only does it surround her life, however, pain is a prominent factor in all of her contemporaries’ existence. The oppressed nature of Josephine, her mom, and the woman of the river cause them to create an artificial sense of hope for their life full of suffering. Suffering seems to be a common component inherent of all Haitian women. This can be seen when Manman states â€Å"We were saved from the tomb of this river when she was still in my womb. You spared us both, her and me, from this river where I lost my mother† (Danticat, 40). Josephine was born on the day of the massacre by El Generalissimo’s soldiers representing that she is birthed from pain, as a lot of Haitians died that day. One of those who died was Manman’s mother, in an effort to alleviate her pain Manman takes Josephine as a replacement of the existence of her mother. Not only does Josephine emanate from suffering yet she carries the connation of false hope, as life can’t be replaced. The effect of suffering is once again seen when Manman mentions â€Å"Keep the Madonna when I am gone†¦Maybe you will have some flesh to console you. But if you don’t, you will always have the Madonna† (Danticat, 43). Once again Josephine’s mom creates hope for her daughter. Given that pain surrounds her life, her mother hopes that Josephine can deal with her suffering in the same way that she dealt with her mom’s death. The aforementioned quotes emphasize the repetitive occurrence of yet different pain Haitian women particularly experience. Danticat, Edwidge. â€Å"Nineteen Thirty-Seven.† Krik? Krak! New York: Vintage, 1996. 33-49. Print.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Macroeconomic Analysis Essay

Introduction The idea Edgar has for opening up four new gas stations is based on a well based argument making it viable as a profitable business venture. The evaluation on the American consumer to accept the high price for gas oil prices forms the first approach towards establishing a business. Gasoil businesses in the world run as cartel where it supply and prices are determined by the few stakeholders in the industry. The stakeholders form an agreement among their competitors on the price, making and, marketing of the product (Fredy, 2010). The cartel though the production affects the GDP growth rate. Gross domestic product represents the monetary value of the goods produced in the country within a year. The enterprise runs as an oligopoly. An oligopoly represents a business type where there are few sellers in the market. The few sellers are due to the restriction imposed on entry to a monopoly. The production rights are restricted by the producer and the producer also controls the prices of the commodity (Brake, 2011). Unemployment will be apparent as the restriction holds down people with the relevant skills to join in the trade. Price control is done through price fixing and determining the market share. The market shares will go a long way to influencing international trade. International trade represents trade past the nation boundaries (Derik, 2010) . The main purpose of a cartel is profit increment to the individual by reducing competition. Edgar by starting up the gas oil business will gain profit margin from the monopoly. The government is also be involved in the control of the production rights of such a cartel. It is through fiscal policies that the government will regulate such ventures with an aim to protect the public from exploitation. Fiscal policies tools are the government imposition on tax and revenue collections (Tayor, 2007). The focus on the convenience good and assumption  it will make a profit in the society is the reason Edgar insists on the production. Convenience goods are those that are distributed widely and are inexpensive and the gas oil forms one of them (Fredy, 2010). Macroeconomic covers the demographic aspect, as these goods are made available to the population. Demography represents human residents statically (Henry, 2008). Startup capital is a needed by Edgar as he plans to buy the four gas oil station. The fund borrowed from a financial institution will be affected by the interest rate and the financial policies. The monetary policy is a tool used to control the supply of money in the society through affecting the interest rate in the society (Tayor, 2007).The estimates of sales to increase in china and India represents the trade cycles. Business cycles are periodic change in the production and affect the Gross Domestic Product of a country. They cause the GDP to fluctuate and thus an expansion and contraction of the level of economic activities in the country (Tayor, 2007). The business sets itself on time of favorable economic benefits as the bank rates are favoring a business positively. Edgar requires a large capital base to start a business and borrowing from a business organization is paramount. Interest is payable on the loan capital that is taking from such institutions. With a low lending rate, the business organizations enable economic growth as a society can borrow a large sum of money for the investment project. Investment improves the living standard of the society as they earn a profit from the investments. The advice to Edgar is to take up the positive strengthening economy and invest during the low lending rate (Sydney, 2010). Demand is as the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and can purchase at any given price over a given time (Tayor, 2007). The law states that, at low prices, the need is high. The firm being an oligopoly has rigidity in its price of the gas oil. Rigidity represents stickiness in the prices that does not change regularly. Edgar will enjoy the high prices of the oligopoly market as the American consumer has accepted the prices. The high prices are as due to the kinked demand curve as oligopoly market has two demand curves. A highly elastic demand curve on the price increase and a highly inelastic in the price decrease (Tayor, 2007). DdMC PricedKINK P1EP X Ddy Q1D QuantityQMR The elastic part of the curve is the dd curve thus an increase in price will lead to a rise in demand for the gas oil. A similar case to the market, if China and India increase their market the prices will also increase. A profit in the oil industry enjoys in the point where MR marginal revenue curve cuts the MC marginal cost curve. At this point, marginal revenue is equates the marginal cost and the profit is at maximum (Tayor, 2007). The supply also affects the oil industry, and it is the amount a producer is willing and can sell at a given price in a given time (Derik, 2010). In the supply of the gas oil collusion remains evident to increase market share. Competitors are on the evaluation as they affect the price and profits in the other firm. If one firm drops price the other firm is forced to drop its prices to in order to increase profit. The firms in the oligopoly structures have adopted non-price completion eliminating the pricing war among them. It has enabled international trading as they enjoy the collusion and similar prices and the control from one area. The interest rates within the country will also affect the enterprise. With business policies controlling the levels of interest rate in the area, the business is at a position to borrow funds for expansion with low interest rates on the returns. The central’s bank adversely controls the monitory policy by regulating the lending rates. The government through the fiscal policies regulation protects the survival of the oligopoly. The oligopoly market maintains barrier to entry through the production of large scale adversely improving the Gross Domestic Product within the country as the quantity of well produced increases. Recommendations and Economic Justification The GDP is one of the major issues in macroeconomic through the collusion of  demand and supply in the country the GDP is maintained as the business operates in its equilibrium point (Brake, 2011). Unemployment forms a major challenge but with a low interest rate from the financial sector business can operate and start up in the country. The case example is Edgar if he opens the four stations employment will increase. Demographics is affecting by supply and demand as they affect the chances of improving the living standards of the population. The salaries from the oil industry will maintain the demand and supply of the oil. The interest rate in the country determines monetary policy. Edgar before starting a business should consider this during the start up to maintain profits as he aims to supply the gas oil. Reference Brake, R. (2011). World Monopolies. Summertime Publishers. Derik, K. (2010). International Trading. Kansas Publisher. Fredy, T. (2010). World Businesses. Milestone Publishers. Henry, J. (2008). World Demography. Wimtertime Publishers. Sydney, G. (2010). Money and Banking. Westminister Publishers. Tayor, W. (2007). Introduction to Economics. Riverside Publishers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Human Evolution by C.M. Davenport Essay

Since time immemorial, numerous researchers have been done to explain the mechanism by which humans were able to evolve from being ordinary, defenseless creatures in the Eastern African savanna to being the world’s most advance and high-functioning biological creatures that have ever walked on Earth. Scientific findings suggest that the aforesaid transition was characterized by a decision of our earliest human ancestors to leave their four-legged existence on trees and convert to a bipedal lifestyle on the terrestrial landscape. Such transition, which can be said to be one of the most dangerous yet most essential part of human anthropology, was driven by climatic changes in the African region. Consequently, changes in the general atmospheric conditions affected the vegetation and ecological properties of the ancient human surroundings. Scientists speculate that prior to the climatic alterations which is around ten million years ago, the East Africa was heavy forested and catered to a great diversity of tree-dwelling primates. Unfortunately, the end of the Miocene Epoch or around five million years ago, marked the start of the of the arid, grassland condition. These changes have encouraged primates to go down from the trees and convert to a two-legged manner of walking on the African plains. This transition was not easy because the early human ancestors had to face a multitude of predators on land including leopard, hyenas and lions. However, although this was the case, the need to look for food and other forms of nourishment that were no longer present in their original habitat was greater than the impending dangers they were likely to face. Hence, climate changes have commanded the onset of the start of human civilization by allowing early primates to convert to bipedalism and terrestrial living. Next to bipedalism, early human ancestors had to acquire certain bodily adaptations in order to make them fit to their new surroundings. Body adaptations included changes on speed and gait, acquisition of large buttock muscles and longer legs for running and sitting efficiency, evolution of larger body size, better vision, achievement of a sense of balance on body controls and other locomotory functions, and a more complex brain structure, physiology and function. These changes allowed early human ancestors to escape from predators and be able to gather food for nutritional survival. In this case, the author evidently placed much emphasis on the discussion of the running endurance of human ancestors. It was mentioned that along with the other adaptations, the ability to run from predators is also a very notable skill of the primates that allowed them to dominate the natural selection process. Increase in lung capacity, development of the heel bone and arched foot, ability to sweat were some of the changes that permitted running efficiency. Obviously, expansion of lung capacity accounted for a more organized breathing pattern during running activities while the heel bone and arched foot permitted improved upright position for running and load-carrying. The ability to sweat, on the other hand, is presumed to render more benefits to primates aside from thermoregulation. Reports suggest that sweat of early human ancestors were similar to the properties of the modern genetic disorder trimethylaminuria, a condition that makes a person produce sweat that smells like strong decaying fish odor but not decaying human or animal flesh (Davenport n. p. ). The chemical compound producing the odor is flavin monoxygenase 3 enzyme (FMO3) and analysis of this compound from present trimethylaminuria reveal that FMO3 has undergone molecular modifications thereby allowing the persistence of the disease from subsequent human generations. However, chemical rearrangements of FMO3 are also suspected to be the reason why sweat of humans today does not elicit the same kind of smell of the early primates, an event that is presumed to be a part of their survival strategies. Lastly, the acquisition of human intelligence was the final step in the human evolution process. The complex development of bodily functions for running endurance have also allowed for the creation of cells for specialized physiological, and neurological properties. After this, it was not long before behavioral skills were obtained and furnished. And after about five million years, the world witnessed the emergence of the modern human species equipped with all the necessary physical and mental adaptations that allowed them to be favored by natural selection and win against the other primal families. Consequently, the evolution of humans is characterized by a myriad of factors which are yet to be fully investigated and explained but all the findings we have today are enough to conclude that humans must value the properties that we have today because our ancestors have done so much effort just to let us achieve our present stature. Evolution is continuously happening and we will never know if conditions in the past will repeat themselves. Hence, everyone must continue to hone their skills and adapt with the changes of the environment in order to prevent ourselves from being selected against natural selection and for us to continue our dominance on this world.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Metropolitan Museum of Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Metropolitan Museum of Art - Research Paper Example Jackson Pollock is an American artist. He was famous for his drip paintings and is a major figure in American painting, specifically in abstract expressionism. He was the purveyor of the drip technique, and this was seen as the origins of action painting. This was his way of challenging the Western style of painting using the easel and brush, with an attempt to leave figurative representation. However, he abandoned the drip painting style just as it was getting famous and returned to painting using figurative elements. War is one of Jackson Pollock’s earliest known paintings and is the only painting he ever titled. This painting was made before he became famous with his drip style. It should be noted that Pollock was a successful draftsman and often used his sketches to execute his artistic ideas. War is a very apt descriptive title for this abstract expressionist painting. This painting was made just after World War II and it shows the brute violence of war: there is a funera l pyre, a human figure being thrown to it, a bull, and a crucifixion. The colors of red and yellow were then added for drama. The elements of this painting hark to Picasso’s war-inspired painting Guernica, where it also had suffering people and the bull as a major figure in the painting. Although it has more figurative elements, this painting has many linear motions that have emerged in his later paintings. The date is significant to understanding this painting: 1947 is a time when war was still fresh in most people’s collective memory, and this was probably the way that Pollock expresses his feelings towards war. This painting symbolizes the harsh effects of war in society, and the ghosts in people’s consciousness. The media used for this painting are colored pencils and ink. The size is 20 5/8 inches by 26 inches. The size is not exactly relevant to the viewer, but it is easier to observe because of the size. This seminal work of art has influenced the 21st ce ntury because it had paved the way for Jackson Pollock’s Abstract Expressionism genre. It may not be as noticeable here but the traces of Abstract Expressionism are here: the linear movements, the near-abstract figures, the fast composition. This painting may not be as popular as his drip paintings; but this painting shows how he managed to get into that style. Without this painting, abstract expressionism in America would not be as successful. 2. Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon (1957) Richard Avedon was one of the most iconic American photographers. His work, Marilyn Monroe, is one of his most popular. Richard Avedon was born and raised in New York City and entered as a photographer for the Merchant Marine. He learned photography there as he took identification pictures of the crew. This picture was taken on May 6, 1957 and it completely embodies the style of portraiture that Richard Avedon helped made famous: his ability to capture the real essence of the subject by lettin g the viewer see the intimate, candid shots of a certain personality in an often bare setting, with no props but just the details needed to compose the picture. He developed his unmistakable style there: stark, high contrast, black and white pictures. The main feature of an Avedon photograph is that it is honest: everything you ought to see in your reflection is seen in an Avedon photograph. This picture, simply called Marilyn Monroe, is named after the subject herself. As a portrait photographer, Avedon shot many famous people, as well as the working class and the criminals; Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous,